
Showing posts from December 2, 2020

Learning Patience

  Well, 2020 has been quite the ride, hasn’t it? As of writing this, it will be 30 more days before we can look at 2020 in the rear view mirror. I know I’m not the only one to say I’m not sad to see it go. For me, 2020 has been a year to learn patience. I’ve had to learn more patience in almost every aspect of my life:  from learning to buy groceries a new way, to having multiple plans of trips and gatherings and events postponed or canceled, to trying to understand and navigate my family member’s mental health issues, to propping up my own morale, to dealing with a dog with autoimmune issues, to keeping everyone minimally healthy and entertained and fed; and, more pertinent to this blog, to getting projects fully completed during a time of unrest and unease. ~~~~~ As always, the fun and challenge of redesigning and redecorating kept me going through some darker days. I was actually thrilled at the prospect that we could do a pretty dramatic refresh of our bathroom for under $2000, and