
Showing posts from June 28, 2020

Zen and the Art of Kitchen Remodeling

The kitchen remodel is almost finished. No, I’m not going to show you “after” photographs...or at least, just yet. That would deprive you of the full experience of “the reveal,” and we wouldn’t want that, would we?  ******* Instead, we’ll go back to the week of the phase 1 reopening, starting May 1. Our general contractor called to say they would be coming to install the cabinetry on the following Tuesday, May 5. I quickly realized that that meant the makeshift sink and cabinet would have to be torn out, and we would go back to washing dishes in the bathtub. But he promised that it would go quickly from there.    It turns out that his definition of “quickly” and mine are two different things.  I stayed busy with making sure everything that I needed to order was ordered. I had waited for some things, since I didn’t want to overshoot the 30-day return window for things that we maybe didn’t need after all. But we needed the vent hood, the cabinet knobs and latches, t